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Tips and advice for UK nail technicians on creating beautiful, memorable nail looks for brides and their bridal parties. It covers important topics like conducting consultations, timing appointments, finding the balance between trendy and timeless designs, offering pampering extras, and maintaining professionalism.
Discover the ultimate gift guide for nail fanatics! Explore unique nail tech tools like the Nail Trainer Hand, art supplies, storage cases, custom colour mixers, decal printers, UV lamps, and online courses. Delight mani-obsessed friends or treat yourself!

Indulge in the ultimate Easter treat with a luxurious chocolate manicure experience. From rich cocoa scrubs to tantalizing nail colors, immerse yourself in sweet decadence for soft, glowing skin and irresistibly beautiful nails. Follow our simple recipe for a delightful chocolate scrub and share your creative designs with us!
A comprehensive guide for nail techs on properly applying flatback gems like Swarovski crystals using quality adhesives and encapsulation techniques.
Experience the captivating journey of a nail artist—from childhood fascination to professional success. Explore her specialisation, entrepreneurial journey, and triumphs at Nailympia competitions. Discover her upcoming venture into teaching and workshops, inspiring readers to unleash their creativity.
The inside scoop on the thrills and stresses of working as a session nail tech traveling for fashion shows, celebrity clients and editorial shoots. Glitz vs. hustle - weigh it up!
Pro nail care tips for techs to protect natural nails from daily damage and salon products. Maintain strength and flawless beauty with lotions, gloves, supplements and specialized self care techniques.
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